Walk On, From Richard Long to Janet Cardiff, 40 years of Art Walking, Mike Collier and Cynthia Morrison-Bell, Art Editions North, UK, 2013.
Published by Engelberg Mountain Railways, 2013
Insomniac Promenades, Exhibition Catalogue, Marie Shek, Passage De Retz, 2008
Vollendete Zukunft, Exhibition Catalogue, Jule Reuter, Galerie Parterre, 2008
Moscow Girls, Katja Blomberg, John Slyce, Haus am Waldsee, 2006
Rohkunstbau, Exhibition Catalogue, Gisbourne, Mark, Prestel, 2006
Love Is A Stranger, Klaus Honnef, Janet Hand, Stuart Horodner, Prestel, 2001
Look At You Loving Me, Katja Blomberg, Val Williams, Friedrich Reinhardt, 1998
Vile Bodies: Photography and the Crisis of Looking, Chris Townsend, Prestel, 1998